












张博,博士,副教授。2018年毕业于荷兰格罗宁根大学,获哲学博士学位2019年入选“广东省珠江人才计划海外博士后引进项目”。研究领域为迁移、老龄化、流动性理论。至今为止主持两项国家自然科学基金(一项已经结题,另外一项在研),两项广东省自然科学基金(一项已经结题,另外一项在研)。张博博士已经在国内外核心期刊发表论文和著作40余篇,2018年出版英文专著《Multi-ethnic Migration in Northwest China: Settlement Intentions, Family Strategies, Acculturation and Power Negotiations》。


  • 人口迁移,迁移理论,迁移政策,流动性

  • 老龄化和健康


  • 2022.02-至今, 广州大学24848威尼斯(中国)有限公司 副教授

  • 2019.01-2022.01, 华南师范大学旅游管理学院 副研究员

  • 2012.10-2018.10, 荷兰格罗宁根大学哲学博士

    Doctor Advisor: Prof. Dirk Strijker (Mansholt Chair Professor, RUG)

     Reading Committee: Prof. Tialda Haartsen (RUG), Prof. Pengjun Zhao (PKU),

    Prof. Peter Ho (LSE)

  • 2010.09-2011.06, 瑞典哈尔姆斯塔德大学(Halmstad University)硕士交流

  • 2009.09-2012.07, 兰州大学理学硕士(城市与区域规划)

  • 2009.02-2009.06, 甘肃省建设厅规划处 (助理规划师

  • 2008.01-2009.01, 甘肃省城乡规划设计研究院 (助理规划师)

  • 2003.09-2007.07, 青岛理工大学理学学士(资源环境与城乡规划管理)


  • 家自然科学基金面上项目 (NO: 42371228) 随迁老年人的流动性实践和在地老龄化-珠江三角洲案例, 47万,2024.01-2027.12主持,在研)

  • 广东省自然科学基金面上项目(NO2414050001048-乡反向人口迁移与乡村地方性重构的过程和机制-广东案例,15万,2024.01-2026.12主持,在研)

  • 家自然科学基金青年项目 (NO: 41901170) 基于跨地方视角劳工移民的空间协商和地方构建: 广州案例, 25万,2020.01-2022.12主持,已结题).

  • 广东省自然科学基金面上项目(NO: 2019A1515011385基于流动性视角的劳工移民地方协商和的构建-广东案例, 10万,2019.10-2022.09(主持,已结题.

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目(NO: 42171226)中国海外经济活动与社会文化的多尺度互动:以在南部非洲国家的基础设施项目为例, 51, 2022.01-2025.12. (参与)

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目(NO: 42171225)流动性视角下城市内部迁居对居民幸福感影响的理论与实证研究, 59, 2022.01-2025.12. (参与)

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目(NO: 42071191)返乡精英移民的流动性实践与乡村地方性重构研究, 56, 2021.1-2024.12. (参与)

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目(NO: 42071189)流动儿童日常生活实践中的地方依恋与身份建构, (参与)

  • 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(NO: 21YJCGJW001)中国海外基础设施项目的地缘政治和地缘文化响应, 8, 2021.08-2023.12. (参与)




  • Dong Qian, Zhang Bo*, Cai Xiaomei, Wang Xiaoqian, Morrsion M. Alastair (2024). Does the Livelihood Capital of Rural Households in National Parks Affect Intentions to Participate in Conservation? A Model based on an Expanded Theory of Planned Behavior. Journal of Cleaner Production. 474, 143604.

  • Zhang Bo, Strijker Dirk, Cai Xiaomei, Zhu Hong*. (2024). Introduction to Mobility China. Cities.

  • Du Haitao, Zhang Bo*. (2024). Does Health Insurance Participation Matter in Shaping African Immigrants’ Physical Health in Guangzhou, China? The Role of Mental Health. Population, Space and Place. e2780.

  • Jiang Lei, Zhang Zinan*, Zhang Bo, He Shixiong. (2024). Does “National Civilized City” policy mitigate air pollution in China? A spatial Durbin difference-in-differences analysis. BMC Public Health, 24(1), 1-17.

  • Zhang Bo*, Huang Yuling (2023). Practicing Taichi together in the Park: A Case Study of Taichiscape and Older People’s Wellbeing. Population, Space and Place. e2692.

  • Zhang Bo, Chen Xingyu, Jiang Lei*. (2023). The Spatial Distribution and the Determinants of Children’s Welfare Homes in Urban China. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. 16: 163–186.

  • Jiang Lei, Chen Xingyu, Zhang Bo*. (2023). Alike but also Different: a Spatiotemporal Analysis of the Older Populations in Zhejiang and Jilin Provinces, China. BMC Public Health. 23, 1529.

  • Guo Qiang, Wen Tong, Zhang Bo*. Li Jieyi. (2023). “He Wei Gui”: The Wisdom and Action of Tourism Photography Vendors to Handle Conflicts in Canton Tower Scenic Area. Tourist Studies: An International Journal. 1-20.

  • Cai Xiaomei, Huang Yuling, Zhang Bo*. (2023). Singing Together in the Park: Older Peoples’ Wellbeing and the Singingscape in Guangzhou, China. Emotion, Space and Society. 47, 100947.

  • Jiang Lei, Chen Xingyu, Jiang Yang, Zhang Bo*. (2023). Exploring the Direct and Spillover Effects of Aging on Green Total Factor Productivity in China: A Spatial Econometric Approach. Sustainability. 15, 6709.

  • Jiang Lei, Chen Yuan, Liang Wenjie, Zhang Bo*. (2023). Convergence analysis of cross-province human well-being in China: A spatiotemporal perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20, 1858.

  • Jiang Lei, Chen Yuan, Zhang Bo*. (2023). Revisiting the Impact of Environmental Regulation on Green Total Factor Productivity in China: Based on a Comprehensive Index of Environmental Regulation from a Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20, 1499.

  • Jiang Lei, Chen Yuan, Zha Hui, Zhang Bo, Cui Yuanzheng*. (2022). Quantifying the Impact of Urban Sprawl on Green Total Factor Productivity in China: Based on Satellite Observation Data and Spatial Econometric Models. Land, 11(12): 2120.

  • Tan, Yiming, Xue Desheng*, Zhang Bo. (2022). Neighbor Interactions and Settlement Intentions of African Migrants in Urban China: A Case Study of Guangzhou." Population, Space and Place, e2554

  • Zhang Bo, He Shixiong, Chen Xingyu, Jiang Lei*. (2022). Determining the Spatial Distribution of Nursing Homes in China: A Spatial Heterogeneity Analysis. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 1-20.

  • Zhang Bo, Cai Xiaomei, Li jun, He Biao* (2022). Well-Being and Its Associated Factors Among Migrant Workers in Food and Beverage Industry: A Cross-sectional Study in China. British Food Journal

  • Zhang Bo, Li Zhongjie, Jiang Lei* (2021). The Intentions to Wear Face Masks and the Differences in Preventive Behaviors between Urban and Rural Areas during COVID-19: An Analysis Based on the Technology Acceptance Model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(19): 9988.

  • Dong Qian, Zhang, Bo*, Cai Xiaomei, Morrison M. Alastair (2021). Do Local Residents Support the Development of a National Park? A Study from Nanling National Park Based on Social Impact Assessment (SIA). Land, 10(10): 1019.

  • Jiang Lei, He Shixiong, Tian Xi, Zhang, Bo*, Zhou Haifeng. (2020). Energy Use Embodied in International Trade of 39 Countries: Spatial Transfer Patterns and Driving Factors. Energy, 195: 116988.

  • Wang Meimei, Yang Yongchun*, Zhang Bo, Liu Mengqin, & Liu Qing. (2019). How Does Targeted Poverty Alleviation Policy Influence ResidentsPerceptions of Rural Living Conditions? A Study of 16 Villages in Gansu Province, Northwest China. Sustainability: 11(24), 6944.

  • Zhang Bo*, Druijven Peter, & Strijker Dirk. (2019). Hui Family Migration in Northwest China: Patterns, Experiences and Social Capital. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 42(12): 2008-2026.

  • Zhang Bo*, Druijven Peter, & Strijker Dirk. (2018). A Tale of Three Cities: Negotiating Ethnic Identity and Acculturation in Northwest China. Journal of Cultural Geography, 35(1): 44-74.

  • Zhang Bo*, Druijven Peter, & Strijker Dirk. (2017). Does Ethnic Identity Influence Migrants' Settlement Intentions? Evidence from Three Cities in Gansu Province, Northwest China. Habitat International, 69, 94-103.

  • Liu Qinping, Yang Yongchun*, Tian Hongzhen, Zhang Bo, Gu Lei. (2014). Assessment of Human Impacts on Vegetation in Built-up Areas in China Based on AVHRR, MODIS and DMSP_OLS Nighttime Light Data, 19922010.  Chinese Geographical Science, 24(2): 231-244.

  • 晓莹, 杜海涛, 翁晴, 张博*. (2024). 社会资本如何影响老年人的健康?基于2017年中国社会综合调查的分析. 华南地理学报.

  • 蔡晓梅, 黄玉玲, 曹婧, 张博*. (2023). 太极疗愈拼装物的建构过程:一个实证探索. 地理研究, 42 (5): 1163-1176.

  • 杨晓婷, 张博, 安宁*. (2022). 跨境教育基础设施与中国城市空间的重构基于粤港澳大湾区的案例分析. 地理科学进展, 41 (9): 1731-1742.

  • 马凌, 谢圆圆, 张博*. (2022). 跨国主义视角下高校海归知识移民的回流与地方嵌入. 地理学报. 77(6): 1430-1445.

  • 张博, 刘美新, 蔡晓梅*. (2022). 物质、情感和权力:跨国移民与家的地理学. 世界地理研究. 31(6): 1130-1141.

  • 杨晓婷, 黄玉玲, 安宁, 张博*. (2022). 跨国移民企业的形象建构及其影响机制研究. 世界地理研究, 31(6), 1179.

  • 安宁, 张博*. (2022). 地缘政治视角下的跨境移民和族裔社区研究. 世界地理研究, 31(6).

  • 林丽斌, 朱竑, 张博*. (2021). 流动视角下跨国教育空间的构建: 国际学校案例. 地理科学, 41(7): 1107-1115.

  • 陈贤斐, 张博, 朱竑*. (2019). 虚拟休闲社区的营造与表征:女性网购案例. 地理科学, 39(12): 1894-1901.

  • 朱竑*, 张博, 马凌. (2019). 新型城镇化背景下中国流动人口研究:议题与展望. 地理科学, 39(1): 1-11. (2019人大书报资料中心全文转载)

  • 张博, 邓浩坤, 安宁, 朱竑*. (2019). 大数据背景下国内人文地理研究进展与方法审视. 人文地理, 34(3): 14-21.

  • 姜磊*, 张博. (2017). 中国省域全要素生产率的再估算与影响因素分析. 南大商学评论, 2: 1-18.


  • Zhang Bo* (2024). Urban Hui Migration and Hui Communities: Territorial Strategies, Ethnicized Spaces and Power Negotiations. (R&R)

  • Du Haitao, Zhang Bo*. (2024). Revisiting the EnergyHappiness Paradox: The role of Housing Outcomes. (R&R)

  • Jiang Lei,  Chen Yuan, Zhang Bo* (2024). Does fiscal efficiency affect green total factor productivity: Evidence from Chinese cities. (R&R)

  • 朱竑*,邓云诗,张博. (2024).基于地理学视角的海岛研究. (R&R)


  • 第三届广州大学大学生市场调研与分析竞赛特等奖(2024,指导老师)

  • 正大杯第十四届全国大学生市场调查与分析大赛广东省一等奖(2024,指导老师)


  • Dong Qian, Hou Huayi, Gao Yan, Zhang Bo* (2024). ‘Sustaining a city’s image in crisis times’ in Maxim Cristina, Morrison Alastair, Coca-Stefaniak, Day Jonathon (eds.), Handbook of Sustainable Urban Tourism. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK.

  • 张博,蔡晓梅. 第十五章,环南海区域的人口迁移[M]//薛德升,朱竑,韦春竹,蔡晓梅等著.环南海国家(地区)社会经济发展报告. 广州:中山大学出版社,2022186-207.

  • Zhang, Bo* (2018). Multi-ethnic Migration in Northwest China: Settlement Intentions, Family Strategies, Acculturation and Power Negotiations, University of Groningen Publisher, Groningen, Netherlands.


  • 2024926-29日,中国,南京,南京大学,2024年中国地理学大会暨中国地理学会成立115周年纪念会,分会场B16“新时代的老年地理学研究”召集人;

  • 2024823-25日,中国,长春,东北师范大学,2024年中国人口地理学术年会,人口地理学课程教学经验交流会,特邀嘉宾;

  • 2024517-19日,中国,西安,陕西师范大学,首届全国青年地理学家大会暨第十二届全国地理学研究生学术年会,专题分会场46“面向老龄化社会的老年地理学研究”召集人;

  • 2023915-17日,中国,武汉,武汉大学,分会场19:健康地理。汇报题目“似而不同:人口老龄化的时空比较分析,浙江与吉林”;

  • 2023728-31日,中国,兰州,西北师范大学全国人文地理学大会,分会场十二人口地理与人口可持续发展主持人;

  • 2023716-19日,中国,北京,中国地理学会文化地理专业委员会,第九届文化地理学术研讨会暨中国地理学会文化地理专业委员会第九次工作会议

  • 202369-11日,中国,福州,福建师范大学中国人口地理学会年会,分会场七流动人口的居留意愿与社会融合主持人;



  • 2013 Mansholt Chair Fund (荷兰)

  • 2012-2016(国家留学基金管理委员会)



  • 中国地理学会人口地理专业委员会委员(2023.01-

  • 广东省科技厅乡村观测站梅州地区负责人(2022.09-

  • 广东省高层次人才评审专家库通讯评委 (2021-)

  • 国家自然科学基金通讯评委(2022-)

  • 地域研究与开发青年编委(2024-

  • 审稿服务:Population, Space and Place (2022, 2023, 2024), Cities (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), Habitat International (2019, 2021, 2022), Nations and Nationalism (2020), Urban Studies (2019), Environment and Planning A (2019), Information, Communication and Society (2018), Journal of Urban Affair (2016)

  • 客座编辑,《旅游科学》杂志,专辑题目:粤港澳大湾区城乡游憩与公共空间治理2024

  • 客座编辑(Guest Editor), Journal: Cities, The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning Cities, (2024), Special Issue, Mobility China

  • 客座编辑(Guest Editor), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Special Issue Association between Urban Environment and Civil Well-Being(2022-2023)

  • 客座编辑,《世界地理研究》杂志,专辑题目:地缘政治视角下的跨境移民和族裔社区:理论方法和案例(2022



  • 周五下午300-500 (请提前预约发邮件至zhangbo.rug@qq.com/zhangbo@gzhu.edu.cn)

  • 关于小班研讨课人口迁移与地方发展:理论、方法和实证的介绍:作为我博士论文的延续,本课程主要从理论,实证和政策三个层面讨论了人口迁移与地方发展之间的关系,可以帮助同学们更好的理解人口迁移的本质,了解全球和我国人口迁移的概况以及相关政策,同时也会简单介绍一些截面数据的研究方法(有初高中数学基础即可听懂),课程考试类型为考察(小论文3000-5000字)。课程每学期都会开,由于选课人数较多,需要同学们多多留意选课时间。

