Jiabin Liu, Huaigang Huangm, Hanxiao Sun, Zhifeng Wu, Renbo Luo. LRAD-Net: An Improved Lightweight Network for Building Extraction From Remote Sensing Images, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2022, 16: 675-687
Kai Guo, X.J. Liang, X.C. Zhang, Renbo Luo, T.Q. Qiu, Z.H. He, K.X. Zhang. Development of an adverse outcome pathways approach for land resource and environment management at the regional scale. Ecological Indicators. 2023. 157.111210.
Kai Guo, Z.H. He, X.J. Liang, X.W. Chen, Renbo Luo, T.Q. Qiu and K.X. Zhang.. Examining Relationships between Regional Ecological Risk and Land Use Using the Granger Causality Test Applied to a Mining City, Daye, China. Land, 2023, 12, 2060.
Renbo Luo, Wenzhi Liao, Hongyan Zhang, Liangpei Zhang, Youguo Pi, Scheunders Paul, Philips Wilfried. Fusion of hyperspectral and LiDAR data for classification of cloud-shadow mixed remote sensing scene. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2017; 10(8): 3768-3781.
Renbo Luo , Wenzhi Liao, Xin Huang, Youguo Pi, Philips Wilfried. Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Images with Semi-Supervised Graph Learning. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2016; 9(9):4389-4399.
Renbo Luo, Xingnan Liu, Zhifeng Wu. Delineation of the Urban Fringe Using Multi-indicators and Deep Neural Network,International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2019,2019.8.
刘星南,吴志峰,骆仁波. 基于多源数据和深度学习的城市边缘区判定,地理研究,2020.2.
骆仁波,皮佑国. 高光谱遥感影像的监督邻域保留嵌入特征提取算法. 测绘学报; 2014;43(5):508–513.
Renbo Luo, Wenzhi Liao, Xin Huang, Youguo Pi. Discriminative supervised neighborhood preserving embedding feature extraction for hyperspectral-image classification. Telkomnika. 2012, 10(5): 1051–1056.
骆仁波,廖文志,皮佑国. 超光谱遥感图像有监督LPP特征提取研究. 遥感技术与应用. 2012; 27(6):46–52.
Renbo Luo, Wenzhi Liao, Hongyan Zhang, Youguo Pi, Philips Wilfried. Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images with Semi-Supervised Graph Learning. SPIE Remote Sensing. Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Sep.2016.
Renbo Luo, Wenzhi Liao, Hongyan Zhang, Youguo Pi, Philips Wilfried. Classification of cloudy hyperspectral image and LIDAR data based on feature fusion and decision fusion. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing International Symposium (IGARSS 2016). Beijing, China, Jul. 2016.
Renbo Luo, Wenzhi Liao, Youguo Pi, Philips Wilfried. An improved semi-supervised local discriminant analysis for feature extraction of hyperspectal image. Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event, Proceedings (JURSE 2015). Lausanne, Switzerland , Mar. 2015, pp. 1-4.
Renbo Luo, Ya wen, Xingnan Liu, Zhifeng Wu. Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Images With Semi-supervised Sparse Graph Learning,2018 Fifth International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications, Xi’an, China, Aug.2018.