Zhitao Li,Guanwei Zhao*.Revealing the Spatio-Temporal Heterogeneity of the Association between the Built Environment and Urban Vitality in Shenzhen. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2023, 12(10):433 (SCI, JCR Q2)
Guanwei Zhao, Zhitao Li, Yuzhen Shang, Muzhuang Yang*. How Does the Urban Built Environment Affect Online Car-Hailing Ridership Intensity among Different Scales? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022, 19(9):5325 (SCI, JCR Q1)
李芳,刘月亮,赵冠伟*.广州市天河公园生态系统文化服务感知.中国城市林业,2022, (03):75-81
Guijun Lai, Yuzhen Shang, Binbao He, Guanwei Zhao*, Muzhuang Yang. Revealing Taxi Interaction Network of Urban Functional Area Units in Shenzhen, China. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2022, 11(7):377 (SCI, JCR Q2)
Guanwei Zhao, Zeyu Pan, Muzhuang Yang*. Marginal Effects and Spatial Variations of the Impact of the Built Environment on Taxis' Pollutant Emissions in Chengdu, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(24): 16692 (JCR Q1)
刘锋,杨木壮*,赵冠伟,林彤. 基于土地利用变化的广州市碳排放效应分析——以近20a为例. 农业与技术, 2022, 42(4): 73-79.
Zhitao Li, Yuzhen Shang, Guanwei Zhao*, Muzhuang Yang. Exploring the Multiscale Relationship between the Built Environment and the Metro-Oriented Dockless Bike-Sharing Usage. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(4), 2323 (JCR Q1)
Guanwei Zhao, Li Zhitao, Muzhuang Yang*. Comparison of Twelve Machine Learning Regression Methods for Spatial Decomposition of Demographic Data Using Multisource Geospatial Data: An Experiment in Guangzhou City, China. Applied Sciences-Basel. 2021,11(20),130. (JCR Q2)
吴攀,杨木壮*,赵冠伟.广东省区域创新产出时空格局特征分析. 科技和产业, 2021, 21(1): 103-107.
林彤,杨木壮*,宋榕潮,赵冠伟.基于遥感影像的广州海岸带空间演变及其生态效益评价. 国土与自然资源研究, 2021, (3): 42-47.
Guanwei Zhao, Muzhuang Yang*, Urban Population Distribution Mapping with Multisource Geospatial Data Based on Zonal Strategy, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2020, 9(11), 654. (JCR Q3)
成方龙, 赵冠伟*, 杨木壮, 刘月亮, 李芳, 集成地理探测器与随机森林模型的城市人口分布格网模拟,测绘通报, 2020, (1): 76-81.
成方龙, 赵冠伟*, 基于分区策略与机器学习的人口分布精细化模拟,测绘科学, 2020, 45(9): 165-173.
谢鸿宇,杨木壮,赵冠伟,周涛.广州大学地理信息科学专业校企协同育人模式探索. 测绘与空间地理信息, 2020, 43(5): 4-6,10
成方龙,赵冠伟*.广州市南沙区生活设施空间分异特征及影响因素探测. 现代城市研究,2019,(08):11-17.
刘月亮,成方龙,李芳,杨木壮,赵冠伟*.广州市景观格局演变特征及驱动因素交互探测.资源与产业,2019, 21(4):68-80.
周涛,谢鸿宇,杨木壮,赵冠伟.GIS数据结构课程的微课设计. 地理空间信息, 2018,16(10): 47-50.
Fanglong Cheng, Guanwei Zhao*. Study on Spatial Distribution Pattern of Medical Facilities Based on POI Data-A Case Study of Panyu District, Guangzhou City. 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Control and Automation Engineering (ECAE 2017), Xiamen, CHINA.
赵冠伟, 黄勋,李青芫, 成方龙, 龚建周. 广州市环境保护信访事件时空演变特征及对策研究. 中国人口·资源与环境, 2017, 27(5): 67-69
李青芫, 黄勋, 赵冠伟*.南沙自贸区周边商品住宅价格空间格局研究. 广东经济, 2016, (09): 66-72.
赵冠伟, 夏丽华, 陈颖彪, 周涛. 地理信息系统专业学生编程能力培养研究.大学教育, 2014, (17): 25-27.
胡建勇,赵冠伟*.2000-2010年广东省老年人口空间分布演变研究.西北人口,2014,35(6): 30-35.
Guanwei Zhao. Effects of Spatial Scale in Cellular Automata Model for Land Use Change. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2012, 156: 101-106
赵冠伟,陈颖彪,陈健飞,李江涛. CA-Markov模型的空间尺度敏感性研究.地理科学,2011,31(8): 897-902.
赵冠伟,杨木壮,陈健飞.1990~2007年中国能源足迹时空差异分析.地理与地理信息科学,2011,27(2): 65-69.
赵冠伟,陈健飞,崔海山,陈颖彪. 1992-2007年广州市能源消费碳排放研究.资源与产业,2010,12(6): 181-184.
赵冠伟,龚建周,谢建华,李江涛. 基于CA模型的城市边缘区土地利用演变模拟-以广州市花都区为例.中国土地科学,2009,23(12): 56-62.
Jianzhou Gong, Yansui Liu, Beicheng Xia, Guanwei Zhao. Urban ecological security assessment and forecasting, based on a cellular automata model: A case study of Guangzhou, China. Ecological Modelling,2009,220(24):3612-3620.